Living With Autism

Jade- Living with Autism

This is Jade. She is Autistic. Some might say, " You can't tell by looking at her", but much like any developmental disorder, Autism comes in all shapes and forms.

It's so easy to judge a book by its cover, but have you ever tried flipping past the first page? Humans are complex creatures. It's not fair to categorize people and put them into specific box. Jade has a beautiful story, and she deserves to be heard...

"The Autistic life is a life like any other, I wouldn’t change it for the world. The ways that being Autistic has allowed me to see, do, think differently has been the gift of a lifetime, not the deficit. It's my hope that parents of Autistic children learn to uplift this narrative about their children’s lives, as they grow up to be Autistic adults in a world that seeks to erase our joy”. - Jade

I wanted to photograph Jade and show off her inner, outer and energetic beauty. As the sun was setting on top of Mount Doug Park in Victoria, it made for the perfect backdrop. The environment was calm, quiet, private and perfect to make anyone feel comfortable. She was a natural in front of the camera and I had so much fun taking these photos. Thank you Jade for working with me and allowing me to help share part of your story on #livingwithautism


Beautiful Chaos - A vision brought to life by two local artists.