Newborn Photography. Why It's Important To Photograph Your Baby.

New Born baby photography Victoria Canada

Babies are constantly changing. They literally grow up so fast! They will learn new things about their bodies each week, and every month they grow bigger. Their tiny heads will grow more hair, their little toe nails will get longer, and that cute little scratch on their cheek may heal. We all know that in the middle of the chaos of being a new parent, those moments will slip by us. So why not photograph them?

Newborn photography can be tricky, especially if you’re not a mother. I say that because mothers have the special touch and intimate bond; if you’ve never handled a baby before, well then you don’t really know what to do with them! You always see the classic baby photo shoot where the babies are folded up in cute props in a warm, cozy studio, sleeping peacefully. That's not necessarily my style... I wanted to defer away from the traditional "fake poses" and steer more towards, natural, intimate moments with a baby and their mother. When my cousin Shawn and his new wife Stephanie asked if I could photograph their new baby girl, I didn’t even think twice. Knowing that this was a little out of my comfort zone, I thought, why not take them to Beacon Hill Park, and shoot in the exact spot where we shot Shawn and Steph's wedding photos, just 5 month ago. I thought that this would bring a sense of comfort to all of us, and at least I know the area, which makes things easier for a photographer. Regardless, I knew it would be a challenge, but one that I was happy to accept!

Baby Sloane was perfect. During the shoot she was sleeping a bit, then awake and smiling as she listened for the comfort of her mommy and daddy’s voice. The photo shoot lasted about 30 minutes, and during that time, we were able to get a great variety of shots. Shawn and Steph – Congratulations! You are both going to be amazing parents, and baby Sloane couldn’t be luckier. She hit the jackpot with you two, and I can't wait to watch her grow up.

I asked Shawn and Stephanie what a newborn photo shoot meant to them, and this was their response:

“Our baby is changing and growing so much every day; having a newborn photo shoot was so important to us to capture and treasure these moments and sleepy smiles, as these stages don’t last long. I wanted a beautiful memory of my husband and I sharing our love and awe for our new baby girl through professional photography!

The best thing about being a new parent is experiencing a level and intensity of love that is almost indescribable to someone who has never experienced it firsthand. Just the feeling of my baby girl snuggling up against my chest and staring into my eyes melts my heart and there’s no other feeling that is quite as beautiful and rewarding. Seeing her smile back at me, reminds me that through all the difficult times and sleepless nights, it’s all worth it and I would do it over and over again to feel the feeling of unconditional love that she gives me.”

So with all of that being said, thank you Shawn and Stephanie for presenting me with this opportunity, and trusting in me to photograph beautiful baby Sloane.

Bring on the new babies - I can’t wait to photograph more!


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